Becoming a Member of KDDA UK
"Membership to the Kono District Development Association, United Kingdom (KDDA UK) is open to all persons, above the age of 16, who are interested in furthering the interests of the association." - KDDA Constitution, 2015.
To apply please register here
Categories of membership applies to all membership of the Charity as stated in the bereavement policy and the 2015 KDDA UK constitution, unless stated to the contrary.
KDDA UK has three distinct and defined types of membership and thus different expectations in terms or rewards and support, namely:
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Active Member: This is a person in “good standing”, who is registered (every 2 years) and is up to date with his/her monthly subscriptions and 2-year membership fee (which is also payable on renewal). As per the 2015 KDDA UK constitution membership must be renewed every 2 years with a renewal fee of £10 per person for members. This means that the active member has actively participated in majority of the organisation’s functions/activities and they have paid up their monthly subscriptions up to the time of their demise. The Active member’s family will receive a cash lump sum (as defined by the KDDA UK bereavement policy) and benefit from KDDA UK extensively publicizing the funeral to its members via all media and will encourage members to support and contribute financially directly to the bereaved Active member’s family.
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Dormant Member: This is a registered member but has ceased to pay their monthly membership subscriptions more than 6 months to the point of their demise. They usually attend meetings or other functions. The Dormant member will benefit from a good gesture (not obligatory) from KDDA UK supporting to publicize the funeral arrangements to its members and will encourage members to contribute and support the bereaved family.
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Associate Member: This person is not registered but claim membership because he/she comes from Kono District or they are descendant of Kono District or have some connections from Kono District. Such person usually participates in functions such as annual outings and dance. The Associate member will benefit from a good gesture (not obligatory) from KDDA UK to publicize the funeral arrangements to its members.
A. Rules for Members
Membership to the association shall be open to all persons above the age of 16 years and who are interested in furthering the interest of the association.
Membership may be refused to any applicant whom in the opinion of the executive will not work towards promoting the objects of the association and also may not portray a good image of the association.
For any person to register, a one of contribution of ten pounds sterling or an equivalent must be paid before registration.
B. Obligations on Members
Members must attend at least three (3) meetings in a year except where a member has good reasons not to do so.
Members must do everything humanly possible to project a positive image of the association.
Members must satisfy any financial obligations agreed upon at the general meeting of the association.
For the complete list of rules & obligations for KDDA UK membership please Contact Us or refer to the Constitution.
C. Registration Form
You can apply to become a member of the KDDA, by completing the form below.
We will respond to your request as soon as possible.